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A series of is reported here articles, News e insights published in the online magazine The Horse Portal theme horse riding, dog, cat, and other animals, in addition to natural wellness, animal care and other topics of interest regarding products for sale on our E-commerce.
On the official website of the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ITALIAN VETERINARY ORDER you can read important information on the services of veterinary structures, in the territory, in companies or at home.
As is known, "phase 4" begins on May 2th which confirms the obligation to respect the containment measures and maintain responsible social behavior so as not to nullify the results obtained. Everyone is responsible for their own protection, but by continuing to adopt the measures required by law and common sense, as well as medical knowledge, we also protect everyone else. Veterinary medical services have been defined as essential since the beginning of the emergency, therefore they continue to be able to be provided in compliance with the protection and distancing measures necessary to contain the spread of the infection. The greater possibility of moving as required by regional and national rules must not prejudice the results obtained so far and it should be remembered that precautionary measures and the ban on gatherings remain in force. It is the responsibility of the veterinary doctor to organize and modulate his activity in order to guarantee not only the safety of the animal owner, but also his own safety and that of his collaborators, as well as the health of the animal, also carrying out vaccination prophylaxis and preventive treatments against transmitted diseases. from vectors and elective surgical interventions. VETERINARY MEDICAL FACILITIES. In veterinary medical facilities, it will be necessary to continue to guarantee respect for distance, the obligation to wear PPE inside and all disinfection measures for hands and environments. The organizational aspect is fundamental: all services - obviously excluding emergencies and urgencies - must be provided by appointment and each animal can be accompanied by only one person so as not to create crowding in the waiting room, customers must be informed with reasons clearly this is the only way that allows services to be provided safely for staff, patients and owners. Effective communication between veterinary doctor and owner is very important, as well as being an added value. In veterinary medical facilities, for easily understandable reasons, health and hygiene procedures are already in place for the cleaning and disinfection of environments and equipment, therefore additional operations are not required for phase 2. HOME SERVICES Home services can be carried out, always in compliance with individual protection rules, limiting any contact with members of the family group and environments. The state of health of the owners and their family members cannot be verified therefore, due to the principle of caution and precaution, even after May 4th, home veterinary medical services represent a risk situation and must be carried out only in particular cases which must be evaluated. individually by the professional. SERVICES AT COMPANIES Services at companies, farms or other animal care facilities must also be provided with the same criteria: PPE, physical distance and limitation of contacts with the smallest number of people. The delicacy of this phase is evident. TERRITORIES In consideration of the fact that the epidemiological emergency affects different areas of the country differently, when necessary, the provincial orders and regional federations (where existing) will be able to provide veterinary doctors with further information.
The Ministry of Health has issued guidelines to collect "real data" in relation to the Covid-19 emergency: provide "essential" information for public health and to avoid alarmist news
Although, at present, there is no scientific evidence that animals can represent a risk of transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the etiological agent of Covid 19, to humans since the main route of transmission of the said virus is contagion human-to-human, the OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) has recommended using the One Health approach to share information and carry out a risk assessment aimed at deciding, from an epidemiological point of view and where resources are available, whether to test an animal pet who has had close contact with a person/owner infected with Covid-19. This is why a technical-scientific working group coordinated by the Directorate General of Animal Health and Veterinary Medicines (DGSAF_9224-17-04-2020) has developed a document called "Guidelines for the management of companion animals suspected of being infected by SARSCoV2" which aims to "prevent possible conjectures, prejudices and speculations that would lead to unmotivated zoophobia, thus preventing phenomena of abandonment of pets such as dogs and cats with a consequent increase in stray animals". The document has two purposes: to provide guidelines on the management of companion animals in cases of human infection within the family group, to minimize the risk of spread and at the same time protect animal welfare; and indicate a rational sampling method that allows a risk assessment, without wasting reagents precious to human health. The guidelines indicate that the veterinary services of the local health authorities will record all the information useful for the human/animal correlation and the results of tests carried out on animals. The II.ZZ.SS who carry out the tests will instead be required to promptly report any positive cases to the ASL, the Region or autonomous province competent for the territory and to the Ministry of Health DGSAF. This last step implicitly responds to the request that the Federation had presented to the Ministerial Directorate asking for an intervention that would avoid a reporting activity for the identification of positive subjects by private clinics, unrelated to the National Health Service. To find out more you can visit the official website of the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ITALIAN VETERINARY ORDERS www.fenovi.it
COVID-19: Government releases new self-declaration
The Italian Equestrian Sports Federation informs that the Ministry of the Interior has disclosed the new self-declaration
This new certification contains a new item with which the interested party must self-declare that he is not in the conditions provided for by the art. 1, paragraph 1, letter. c) of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 8 March 2020 which contains an absolute ban on mobility from one's home or residence for individuals subject to the quarantine measure or who tested positive for the "COVID-19" virus. The new model also requires the police operator to countersign the self-declaration, certifying that it is made in his presence and after identification of the declarant. In this way the citizen is exempted from the burden of attaching a photocopy of his identity document to the self-declaration. Authorized and proven movements The Federation recommends the utmost sense of responsibility and to travel only for one of the reasons provided for in the Prime Ministerial Decrees and any effective and proven local ordinances. It is possible to download the new self-declaration form in pdf format
From the FISE Veneto Veterinary Commission, some useful and important considerations to best manage our stabled horse in the corona virus emergency.
Dear all, the health emergency due to the Covid19 coronavirus has certainly created quite a few inconveniences for stables and horse owners. The restrictions and limitations imposed to contain the infection have led many to look for a way to go to their horses. For this reason, we veterinarians have received requests for certification of conditions that make access necessary. Requesting permits from the vet is a completely illegitimate approach. The veterinarian ascertains and provides a diagnosis and therapy only in the presence of a real clinical situation. And, therefore, where necessary, it will be able to issue a certificate certifying this condition (identification of the horse, owner's data, stable location and data on the pathology and therapies) so as to justify the integration of the state of necessity. An untruthful certification cannot be requested from the veterinarian. The movement of horses and the maintenance of their well-being does not require specific certification. It has already been clarified with the Note from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers 10.03.2020. Just as it has been reiterated (also by FISE itself) that the stable will have to take care of the management of the horses. Only and exclusively when the host structure cannot do so (for example due to a lack of suitable subjects) can the owner be authorised. The latter will have to produce a suitable self-certification certifying the situation, assuming full responsibility. In the event of control, it will therefore be verified whether the conditions of the state of necessity exist that justify the move. Best regards. Veterinary Commission Veneto Regional Committee Padua, 16 March 2020
The Federation answers the most frequently asked questions received from members
After the position taken by the FISE in Italy, the official recommendation from the FEI also arrives to cancel all equestrian events in the international calendar for four weeks.
In order to facilitate members and affiliates in resolving issues relating to the Covid-19 emergency and in light of the provisions issued by the Italian Government, the Federation has created and updated a further FAQ with questions and answers to the most frequently asked questions. Please remember that the Federation provides, however, a non-binding opinion on the interpretation of the Authority's provisions, you are therefore invited to scrupulously comply with the provisions not only of the Prime Ministerial Decrees, but also of any ordinances of local authorities. Furthermore, it is specified that the following FAQ is updated to the Government directives currently in place as of 17 March 2020. Please note that FISE, in order to support and provide a service to members and affiliates, has activated a contact address email (sosfise@fise.it), to which specific questions can be forwarded. 1. Question: Is the presence of a doctor necessary in the Associations? Answer: The obligation of medical supervision [art. 1/ de 2 / letter G of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 8 March 2020] would seem to be a prescription limited to training activities and probably more suitable for team sports, in which the associations have a club doctor. Our affiliated organizations that do not have a team doctor can rely on a medical certificate provided by the athlete or have periodic visits made to a trusted doctor who can check the athletes following the suggestions published by the Sports Medical Federation (FMSI) on own website (go to the website HERE ). 2. Question: Can internships be authorized? Answer: The Prime Ministerial Decrees have suspended any sporting activity and the Federation has also suspended any federal activity until April 3rd, including internships organized by the Federation itself. 3. Question: After the last Prime Ministerial Decree, can Pony centers carry out normal training and training lessons with their children? Answer: No. 4. Question: Can those with an A license but with a competitive medical certificate train? Answer: NO 5. Question: The owner of a half-trust contract with an affiliated company, in consideration of the issue of a notice of suspension of activities, asks if it was possible to have the fee refunded or if in this case the intervention intervenes Fise insurance. Answer: The contractual relationships between member and club, or between member and horse owner, are foreign to the Federation. Federal insurance does not cover this case. 6. Question: I have the qualification of Basic Instructor, and I am in the grid of the equestrian centre, I would like to have a clarification regarding what I read from the federal website: "So we invite you to coordinate with the Instructors, the Club Presidents and the veterinarians to understand the actual state of non-deferrable necessity that may concern your horse and justify the move". From what I read, the owners of the horses do not have to travel, I would like to know if as an instructor I am required to travel to move the students' horses. Answer: The regulations are imposed by Parliament and/or the Government and not by the Federation which simply respects them like every individual on Italian territory and communicates them. An individual can move from their home only for proven health or work reasons or a state of unavoidable need. Excluding the first situation, he must evaluate whether there is a proven state of necessity that cannot be deferred which requires his movement. The same legal representative of the affiliated organization that hosts the horses is able to evaluate whether his presence is necessary and undeferrable to collaborate in the care of the hosted horses or whether he is able to guarantee the care of the horses themselves through the staff already present in the circle. If the requirements are met, he must have the self-certification required by the Prime Ministerial Decree (download HERE) and the documents demonstrating the employment relationship or the actual state of non-deferrable necessity which justify his movement from his home. We suggest documenting your motivation as much as possible to avoid incurring sanctions and/or complaints. It is understood that the motivation must be real and that it is necessary to limit travel as much as possible to help contain the infection. Naturally, despite the common sense suggestions we offer, the police can independently evaluate whether the reasons you propose are real and adequate. 7. Question: In your latest provisions, two very important things have evidently been forgotten: the management of elderly horses, each with its own problems which the owner recognizes and manages, but the manager of the equestrian center does not! The affection: my mare is 26 years old, more than half of her life together and after 5 days without me looking after her she begins to show signs of "melancholy" and don't talk to me about holidays because for these reasons I don't go. ..we should think about exemptions at least for these situations, clearly not every day, but at least once a week! Answer: The regulations are imposed by Parliament and/or the Government and not by the Federation which simply respects them like every individual on Italian territory and communicates them. An individual can move from their home only for proven health or work reasons or a state of unavoidable need. Excluding the first situation, you must evaluate whether there is a proven state of necessity that cannot be deferred which requires your movement, as you wrote. The same legal representative of the affiliated organization that hosts the horses is able to assess whether his presence is actually necessary and cannot be deferred to collaborate in the care of the hosted horses or whether he is able to guarantee the care of the horses themselves through the staff already present in the circle. If the requirements are met, he must have the self-certification required by law (download HERE) and the documents demonstrating the employment relationship or the actual state of necessity that cannot be deferred. It is understood that the motivation must be real and that it is necessary to limit travel as much as possible to help contain the infection.
Rome is preparing for Quattrozampeinfiera
Two days of shows, emotions, fun, awareness, shopping and protagonism. An unusual moment of discussion and free training within everyone's reach.
Rome will host the first 29 stage of Quattrozampeinfiera, the most important event dedicated to all dog and cat lovers, on Saturday 1 February and Sunday 2020 March. The real protagonists will be them, the dogs and cats of the visitors who will be able to directly engage in sporting and educational activities and pose for photographs or parade around having fun with their "parents". In Felis&Dogs World, breeders will be present with their specimens to inform future owners about the character peculiarities of the individual breeds and to understand which is most in line with their lifestyle. Buying or adopting a dog or cat must be a thoughtful and conscious choice. The event has always tried to fight against abandonment by raising awareness among the population and hosting associations. In the HEALTH CORNER, directed by the veterinary doctor Federico Coccia, importance will be given to care and well-being: veterinarians, educators and sector experts will intervene during the two days, focusing on the main themes to give visitors ideas, suggestions and notions for improving the animal's well-being and improve daily coexistence. An unusual moment of discussion and free training within everyone's reach. With a view to experiencing a day as protagonists, visitors will be able to participate in the photographic casting of the magazine "Quattro Zampe", one of the founders of the fair itself. The most voted photo will be published on the cover of the June issue. Finally, all those who engage in dog activities such as Rally Obedience, Dog Agility, Disc Dog, osteopathy, olfactory research, will receive a quarterly digital subscription to the magazine as a gift. For a moment of celebrity, it will also be possible to take part in the fabulous shots of the "Facce da Quattrozampeinfiera" project curated by the Flavio Di Properzio Photographic Studio or take part in the non-competitive parade, the Doggy Show, organized and conducted by Hirtzia Solaro who will judge the dogs of racial and otherwise. The fair is also aimed at families and their children. "Titò's World" will be present, an editorial project in which the protagonist - Titò and her dog Django - face problems by solving them with ingenious and at the same time sustainable solutions. At the basis of the stories is education to respect human beings, diversity, animals, nature and the environment. The search for solutions is defined as "Construction of Desires". The motivational slogan and common thread throughout the project is: "There are no problems, only solutions". Education is the common thread of the two days, not a simple fair, but a real moment of educational entertainment which has characterized all the stages of the event for 8 years. Over 12.000 square meters of the New Fair will be available to visitors to discover how to improve the relationship with their dog or cat, approach the most innovative services to facilitate the daily management of their trusted friend and make their contribution to those who are less fortunate. The fair allows visitors to interface with companies to better understand their philosophy and their products. A more conscious choice therefore of what best meets the needs of your fido or felix. Quattrozampeinfiera is a one-of-a-kind event, organized by the Tema Fiere company since 2013 in 5 cities, designed to be suitable for dogs and cats. On the national territory, an emotional and experiential fair to participate in with your trusted friend. Entrance to the fair is subject to a fee. Online presale €8,50, by downloading the discount voucher from the website www.quattrozampeinfiera.it €8. Full price €11. Free entry for children 0-10 years, dogs and cats. For information you can send an email to info@quattrozampeinfiera.it, call 0362 1636218 or visit the website www.quattrozampeinfiera.it After Rome, here are the other cities that will host Quattrozampeinfiera: Naples - 4 and 5 April Turin - 6 and 7 June Milan - 3 and 4 October Padua - 7 and 8 November THE QUATTROZAMPEINFIERA TROPHY COMPETITIONS by TRAINER This year too the most dynamic pairs will compete in various sporting activities, such as DogAgility, RallyObedience, Splash Dog and Free Style in the water. Both events are promoted by Trainer, which has been involved in the field of dog breeding for years with social purposes and with an annual event. RUBBLE RESEARCH TROPHY by TRAINER During the event, the indoor rescue simulation competition will take place among the rubble organized by CSEN Rescue and Trainer, to celebrate the 4-legged friends who dedicate their lives to the rescue of humans, a challenge between all the Italian associations. A competition that actually wants to tell the general public how dogs operate daily alongside the Civil Protection in various rescue activities. At the end of the race the visitors themselves will be able to test their dog's ability and search among the rubble to experience a day of Heroes. DOUBLE REGIONAL ENCI SHOW Inside the Dogs World, the Double Regional Dog Show organized by the Viterbo Cinophile Group will be held, in which the most prestigious dog breeds will compete. The best ten will compete on both Saturday and Sunday on the Red Carpet Show. FELIS WORLD AND INTERNATIONALE ANFI The collaboration with QuattroZampeinFiera continues. Also this year the ANFI - Lazio section - will be present with an International Feline Exhibition within the event. Two days of competitions which will see the presence of over 300 cats from all over Europe. There are many breeds present, from the majestic Maine Coon to the Sphynx, a naked cat that fascinates with its particular characteristic. And more… Persians, Exotic Shorthair, Bengal, Birman, Ragdoll, Norwegian Forest Cat, Siberians, Neva Masquearda, British, Carthusian, Turkish Van, Russian Blue, etc. Seven International Judges from Germany, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy will judge the cats present and decide the winners. The culmination of the competition will end with the Best in Show, where the best subjects of the exhibition will be decreed. Two other non-"official" competitions will be held over the two days of the exhibition: on February 29th there will be the "Persian and Exotic Shorthair Special"; on March 1st “Giulietta & Romeo” competition for pairs of all breeds. Also for these two races, the Judges will decide the winner. Obviously there will be no shortage of HOUSE CATS, a competition is reserved for them which will decide the best among those present. The Best of Best will also receive the gold medal offered by ANFI and the special rosette offered by FIFe, (International Feline Federation). An opportunity to closely observe the mysterious world of cats, with its thousand colours, shades and peculiarities and discover how magical it is! DOGS WORLD Over 40 breeds will be present to give future pet owners the opportunity to recognize the peculiarities of each individual breed. Conscious choice is the basis of respect for animals! DOGGY SHOW For all those who do not own a purebred dog, but splendid fancy or pedigree dogs, an ad hoc parade awaits them both on Saturday and Sunday to win many free products. #UNSELFIEPERQZF As in every edition, the most requested activity on the event's social networks is proposed again: the selfie that gets the most likes will be rewarded at the fair with nice gifts and reported on Quattrozampeinfiera's Facebook and Instagram followed by thousands of fans. TRAINING AND INFORMATION THE HEALTH CORNER In the HEALTH CORNER, directed by the veterinary doctor Federico Coccia, there will be a real Pet Corner dedicated to the importance of care, well-being and everything that revolves around the world of our friends in four-legged: veterinarians, educators and sector experts, personalities from the world of entertainment with their pets, will intervene during the two days, focusing attention on daily problems and offering them useful information and practical suggestions to improve daily coexistence. An unusual moment of discussion and training accessible to everyone, but not only. In fact, the “Cuccia in suspense” initiative will be launched for the first time, inspired by the ancient solidarity tradition of Neapolitan origin linked to coffee, which has become a small ritual of kindness towards others. In this case, each visitor will be able to leave any kind of accessory (a bit like what happens with the Wall of Kindness) that is no longer used and put back into circulation for green recycling to be given to a four-legged friend. Therefore, kennels, collars, bowls, coats, blankets that have been disused for various reasons, will be able to take on a new life and perhaps help even those who cannot afford large themed purchases with a kind gesture. VETERINARY STATION AND TESTS In the stand dedicated to the Veterinary Unit, visitors will be able to have their dogs undergo a free preventive examination - using the VET-WAVE device - which allows them to obtain information on the functionality of the middle ear and the integrity of the eardrum. ENTERTAINMENT THE SHOWS "La Compagnia delle Stelle" directed by Anna Maria Piva, will coordinate a series of artistic interventions taken from shows on the theme of "animal world", performed by entertainment professionals, companies and partner theatres. We will see the colorful cat colony of CATS, we will live the incredible adventure of YUYO the ant, we will smile with the cunning of PUSS IN BOOTS and with CIRCLE OF LIFE we will enter the forest, through magical choreographies and amazing contemporary circus performances. There will be a moment in which to give the young visitors to the Fair the opportunity to test their talent and try their hand at acting and singing: after the performance of the Compagnia dei Piccoli Eroi, taken from THE LION KING, guests will be invited to put on " in rehearsal" with the "Un giorno da Leone, Un giorno da Atore" laboratory and later to perform on the Red Carpet. And between one event and another, you are all invited to the Stand to be transformed into cute kittens or sweet dogs, with CHILD MAKEUP. THE RATHERS This year the part dedicated to the Breed Rallies will be even more numerous, with 7 breeds involved: dozens of Westies, Maltese, Jack Russells, Cocker Spaniels, Newfoundland Dogs.... will invade the pavilion of the event. ACTIVITIES WITH DOGS DOG ACTIVITIES To increase the relationship of trust with your dog, it will be possible to try out for free in numerous sporting activities suitable for four-legged friends: expert dog educators will introduce owners and their dogs to DiscDog, AquaDog, Olfactory Research , Obedience, Osteopathy and Mental Activation. CARE AND HYGIENE - THE BEAUTY SALON by My Love For the care and hygiene of the fur, the Beauty Salon allows all owners to subject the different types of hair of their dogs to expert scissors. A corner where you can receive all the suggestions for healthy and well-groomed hygiene for your dog and discover solutions for fur care.
Box with earthen bottom: how to reduce humidity and infiltrations
With EQUIgomma flooring you can solve this problem in the stable, bringing significant benefits to the horse's health
Often, for reasons related to land protection, we are unable to create boxes with a concrete bottom. However, a box with an earth or grass bottom, in addition to being a receptacle for parasites, collects urine and feces, impregnating it with the smell. During the winter it also retains humidity, causing joint problems for the horse, and in the summer it turns into dust causing infections or allergies. The box with an earthen bottom also makes effective cleaning impossible and produces a considerable waste of litter. High-thickness rubber flooring for dry installation comes to our aid, allowing us to solve problems of infiltration, humidity and sagging, bringing benefits to the horse. The most suitable floorings are those with a high thickness of 40 or 50 mm, with a tessellated side for optimal adhesion to the ground and a waterproof non-slip side to guarantee greater anti-shock safety. The installation of these floors is very simple, it is sufficient to level out the laying ground and place them, making them adhere perfectly, we can help ourselves with a roller to compress them better on the bottom. Thanks to the use of these floorings, it is possible to considerably reduce the quantity of litter, making the daily cleaning of the horse's stall quicker and easier. Humidity and infiltrations will be retained on the ground and the floors will be dry, allowing the horse to even lie down. The Poligomma company, with the specific Equigomma line for stables, produces rubber flooring suitable for the purpose, in thicknesses of 30,40 or 50 mm, waterproof and non-slip, with a tessellated side. For information and requests you can contact the company on 030.2004920 or via the email address info@poligomma.it. Shop online www.equigomma.it
BIOCOCCO HORSES horse litter
From today this excellent horse bedding in terms of quality, ease of use and price can be ordered in our online shop with free shipping from the comfort of your home
Horses biococo bedding is NATURAL. Horses generally spend a large part of their lives in the stalls: making it a healthy environment is therefore a fundamental requirement for any type of bedding that takes the health and well-being of the horse into consideration. A completely natural litter, derived from the external shell of a fruit that grows continuously, the coconut. Coconut fiber litter is a totally natural product and only mechanically processed: there is therefore no trace of chemical products. The natural presence of tannin in coconut fiber prevents the litter from rotting, reducing problems linked to the presence of ammonia: bad smell, insects, stains on the coat, foot infections, etc... as better illustrated below. The Horses biococo litter is ODOURLESS, ECOLOGICAL AND RECYCLABLE BIOCOCCO HORSES is the litter derived from coconut, designed specifically for horses: odourless, ecological and recyclable. Furthermore, BIOCOCCO HORSES reduces bad odors and reduces the presence of flies and insects, while reducing the manual work of craftsmen. Biococco Horses litter reduces the PROCESSING TIME AND THE QUANTITY OF LITTER TO BE USED. BIOCOCCO HORSES has the advantage of producing smaller quantities of waste, making it easier to dispose of the litter and reducing the management costs of the box. Furthermore, the waste, once composted, is an excellent natural fertilizer. Horses biococo bedding reduces the POSSIBILITY OF COLIC. The horse does not find it palatable because it does not contain resin, thus limiting the risk of annoying and dangerous colic. Horses biococo bedding reduces HOOF DISEASES. Coconut fiber bedding creates an ideal environment for the hoof, reducing the formation of woodworms and mycosis. LITTER MANAGEMENT For the initial planting to be carried out in a 3x3 meter box exclusively with coconut litter, 3,5 bags are required: we recommend a layer no greater than 15 cm, the right compromise between the horse's comfort and ease of cleaning operations. cleaning. For daily management, by removing only the solid parts and the parts of litter that become compacted and have exhausted their absorption capacity, we proceed with an integration of approximately half a bag per week, therefore a maximum of 2 bags per month. The wet parts that concentrate on the bottom of the litter should not be removed but allowed to oxygenate by moving the litter, bringing the wetter parts to the surface. With this type of management, litter consumption and disposal are significantly reduced, so much so that the average consumption per year per stabled horse is around 30 bags. 30 bags is therefore equal to the annual requirement of litter 18 bags is therefore equal to: creation of the first bottom layer of the box + 6 months of litter consumption The product is sold in slightly pressed bags (compression 2,5:1) and with a slight humidity (approx. 25 – 30%), it is therefore easy to handle and work. The bag has a guaranteed minimum weight of 25 kg and an uncompressed volume of approx. 200 liters. The measurements of the bag are 100 cm x 45 cm x 19/20c m.
The editorial staff of the Portale del Cavallo, of INFORMA and the staff of Non Solo Cavallo and Pianeta Cuccioli wish readers, friends and customers best wishes for happy holidays and a prosperous and peaceful 2020
Also for this Christmas we have thought of a great gift for all of you
5 OPPORTUNITIES FOR GREAT DEALS, TO CHOOSE WITH CALM but be careful, many products on super offer might escape you, so keep an eye on the OUTLET. GIFTS, PROMOTIONS AND THE SUPER OUTLET ONLY LAST UNTIL MONDAY 6 JANUARY 1 - YOU DON'T HAVE THE PREMIUM CARD? NO PROBLEM WE'LL GIVE IT TO YOU AS A GIFT, with a spend of just 100 Euros add it to your cart and get an immediate 10% discount and the Card will be yours for a whole year. 2 - THE CARD IS WORTH 10% instead of the usual 5%, until January 6th the Premium Card is worth double. 3 - NEVER SEEN AN OUTLET WITH SUCH HIGH DISCOUNTS. All discounts have been increased, the minimum discount is 50% and they reach up to 80%, this on all products. 4 - Remember that you just need to add a product for sale in the OUTLET of any amount to get free shipping. 5 - For EACH OF YOUR ORDER you will receive directly in the package or by e-mail a DISCOUNT COUPON for your next order: VOUCHER of 5,00 EUROS for a minimum order of 100,00 Euros VOUCHER of 30,00 EUROS for a minimum order of 300,00 Euro VOUCHER of 60,00 EURO for a minimum order of 500,00 Euro Happy Holidays to everyone and good deals.
Quattrozampeinfiera arrives in Milan at the weekend (Parco Esposizioni di Novegro) with sport and pet therapy, entertainment, information, entertainment, trends, educational workshops, shopping, adoptions
Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th October (Novegro Exhibition Park) the most famous "pet friendly two days" in Italy. The pet sector is worth over 2 million euros
Having fun with your dog in the pool or running together on the mud, on a bike or scooter and even a play area entirely dedicated to felines, where cats can jump between tunnels and obstacles. Learn everything about the well-being of our furry friends, bring the world of animals closer to children with educational projects or through pet therapy. See and touch all the latest news in the pet sector, a constantly evolving market in Italy that seems to have no crisis (worth over 2 million euros). With all this and more, Quattrozampeinfiera presents itself this weekend in Milan, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October (Novegro Exhibition Park), the most important event dedicated to all dog and cat lovers. Furthermore, for those who are still looking for an animal to include in their family unit, dog and feline breeds are on display to understand which is best suited to their lifestyle. But also a corner reserved for adoptions for less fortunate four-legged friends. And then there will be them: experts, influencers and television personalities from the pet world to inform visitors. There are many fun and educational activities to learn about the most common pathologies and learn how to treat them, discover the laws regarding pets, keep our pet clean at all times, choose the right diet, educate your dog to live correctly in public or private spaces. And to never be separated from your trusty and your cat, even during your holidays, you can discover the best solutions and pet-friendly facilities. Quattrozampeinfiera is a unique event of its kind, organized by the Tema Fiere company since 2013 in five Italian cities, designed to be suitable for dogs and cats, an emotional and experiential fair in which to participate with your trusted friend. Entrance tickets Discount voucher from the website www.quattrozampeinfiera.it €8 Full ticket €11 Free entry for children 0-10 years, dogs and cats. All activities within the fair are free. For information you can send an email to info@quattrozampeinfiera.it or visit the website www.quattrozampeinfiera.it QUATTROZAMPEINFIERA 2019 IN MILAN: INITIATIVES FOR THE PUBLIC · QUATTRO ZAMPE - the Magazine With a view to living a day as protagonists, visitors will be able participate in the photographic casting of the magazine "Quattro Zampe", among the founders of the fair itself. The most voted photo will be published on the cover the following month. · # UNSELFIEXQZF by CORSICA FERRIES To always be in tune with social media, the very popular initiative returns: in the days before the fair, anyone who wants can publish a selfie with their dog or cat on the QuattroZampeInFiera Facebook or Instagram page. The shot that gets the most "Likes" will be rewarded on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th October on the Red Carpet in Milan! · FACE DA QUATTROZAMPEINFIERA In the Photo and Video stand of Flavio Properzio you can be immortalized with your dog or cat to participate in the “Facce da Quattrozampeinfiera” contest. The best shots will be printed, uploaded to social media and exhibited in subsequent stages. THE ACTIVITIES · SPORTS FOR ALL TYPES OF DOGS "Humans" will be able to engage in various sporting activities with their dogs for free in the company of dog educators such as Dog Agility, CaniCross, Dog Endurance, Triathlon/Duathlon, Aquathlon, Dog Scooter, Dog Trekking, Dog Fitness, Disc Dog, Splash Dog, Water Dog, Sheep Dog, Puppy Park, Farm Run and many others! THE CORNER OF BEAUTY In such a complete fair, a space dedicated to body care certainly cannot be missing, thanks to the Beauty Salon by Solaro H which presents shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, grooming equipment and products for every type of hair . Here you can have your dog groomed for free and learn everything about its daily hygiene. It will also be possible to attend demonstration courses in sports grooming held by famous experts. · CAT AGILITY A space entirely dedicated to cats in which visitors' specimens will be able to try their hand at tunnels, jumps and obstacles to have fun and keep fit. · DOG LOVERS DAY On Saturday 5 October, "Dog Lovers Day" will be held, the day to celebrate the friendship between man and dog, organized by Michela Vittoria Brambilla, president of the Italian League for the Defense of Animals and the Environment, partner of QuattroZampeinFiera, who will intervene at 10.30 to present the various solidarity initiatives and the 'dog show' in which all those who want to be protagonists with their four-legged friend can participate, with free registration to the fair and prizes for all categories. “The love that our animal companions can give us is unique and unrepeatable”, comments the Hon. Michela Vittoria Brambilla, president of Leidaa and godmother of the initiative at the fair. “Every dog, every cat and every abandoned animal deserves to have a home where they can live happily: the shelters in our country are full and it is our task to offer all the animals found there the opportunity to live in a family. It is also thanks to events such as 'QuattroZampeinFiera' that our association succeeds in its aim". THE COMPETITIONS AND GAMES QUATTROZAMPEINFIERA TROPHY by TRAINER The Quattrozampeinfiera Trophy by TRAINER includes the following disciplines: Splash Dog, Rally Obedience and Agility. It is promoted by the Trainer company in all 5 stages of the fair. RUBBLE RESEARCH TROPHY by TRAINER During the event, the indoor rescue simulation competition will take place among the rubble organized by CSEN Rescue and Trainer, to celebrate the 4-legged friends who dedicate their lives to the rescue of humans, a challenge between all the Italian associations. A competition that actually wants to tell the general public how dogs operate daily alongside the Civil Protection in various rescue activities. At the end of the competition the visitors themselves will be able to test their dog's ability and in searching through the rubble to experience a day of Heroes. DOG RUN by monge – RCS SPORT Movement, physical activity and well-being. RCS SPORT promotes, within Quattrozampeinfiera, the non-competitive 6-legged race which will take place in the Novegro Exhibition Park on 6 October at 16.00pm. An event within the event to keep fit with our dogs in full respect of them. · QUATTROZAMPEINFIERA DOG WINNER by Farmina Double amateur dog show intended for purebred dogs with or without pedigree. · QUATTROZAMPEINFIERA SUPER DOG A "parade" for "super" front-wheel drive dogs! · DOGGY SHOW by MONGE By popular demand, the fashion show is also back at the fair: a moment of celebrity on the catwalk, which you can experience as protagonists in the company of your mixed-breed dog. · MY PETS HERO GAMES ALL DOGS ARE SUPERHEROES! On Saturday and Sunday My Pet's Hero, together with expert educators, will help you discover your dog's abilities through sporting activities, mental activation and playful research. FOR THOSE LOOKING FOR A DOG OR CAT Anyone who intends to introduce a new dog or cat into their family unit will be helped and advised in identifying the one most in line with their character and lifestyle. A conscious choice of your four-legged companion is the most important prerequisite for building a beautiful and harmonious relationship and for avoiding misunderstandings as much as possible. FELIS WORLD by MONGE In the Felis World by Monge area, there will be breeders of cat breeds who will illustrate their very different characteristics and peculiarities. Among others, Maine Coon, Siberian, Burmese, Exotic, Persian, Birman, Norwegian, Ragdoll, Turkish Angora, Bengal, Snow, British, Devon Rex will be present. · DOGS WORLD by Farmina There will be breeders of dog breeds present who will illustrate their very different characteristics and peculiarities. Among others, the following will be present: Russian Greyhound, French Bulldog, long and short haired Chihuahua, Afghan Hound, Maltese, Abruzzo Maremma Shepherd, English Cocker Spaniel, Pembroke Corgi, Great Dane, Labrador, Golden Retriever, Bichon a Póil Frisé, Staffordshire Terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Cavalier king charleston spaniel, Phelene, Continental dwarf spaniel papillon, Flat coated retriver, Hovawart, Shetland, Curly coated retriver, Shitzu, etc. ASSOCIATIONS TO SUPPORT CONSCIOUS ADOPTIONS For those who would like to adopt a dog or cat into their family unit, there are various associations present at the fair. Those who do not clearly understand the commitment, dedication and care required by an animal often end up abandoning it! TRAINING MOMENTS SPAZIO SALUTE by SUSANNA MESSAGGIO SUSANNA MESSAGGIO - Godmother of the television show dedicated to the health and well-being of our dogs and cats, she will interview illustrious experts in the sector. Inside there will be dog educators, behaviorists and veterinarians and pharmacists specializing in pets. THE STARS OF SOCIAL MEDIA During the 2 days of the fair, it will be possible to meet the most famous personalities of social media LUDOVICA AND LUCREZIA Over 20 thousand followers on Instagram, trendy and sophisticated photos make Lucrezia the most followed Italian poodle on the web. She drives around in a Maserati, loves to have fun and wear designer clothes. He poses for photo shoots and is spokesperson for the most exclusive brands in the pet sector. His photos, perhaps a little exaggerated, are decidedly original and chic. It will be possible to meet her in person in her fashion space, both Saturday and Sunday. THE MOST FAMOUS CAT FAN ON THE WEB Federico Santaiti, the "most famous cat flyer on the web" will entertain his followers with fun cat-themed quizzes. COMICS CORNER An area entirely dedicated to all those who make cute dog cat themed drawings. Cartoons, stories and much more in our comics corner. EVERYTHING TAILOR-MADE FOR DOGS AND CATS For a daily life in line with our pets, many areas and facilities are available to visitors. PET FRIENDLY TOURISM The part of the fair reserved for tourism represents an important step in the fight against abandonment. Making known how numerous and different the travel solutions and accommodation facilities open to four-legged friends are in Italy (hotels, B&Bs, farmhouses, campsites, holiday villages, cruises, tours) can only facilitate owners in the joyful choice of spend your holidays together with your animals. Our dog or cat will thank us for saving them from retirement! In addition to the pet-friendly beaches, Corsica Ferries will be present, the shipping company that allows you to experience the journey with your pet in complete tranquility. · HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES FOR MANAGING A PET-PROOF HOME For those who own dogs or cats, there are many household appliance companies that present products for more comfortable management of everyday life. FASHION&LUXURY PET A' PORTER QUATTROZAMPEINFIERA There will be no shortage of fashion moments in the Pet à Porter Area Quattrozampeinfiera, a real catwalk will give great visibility to the "hottest brands" of the moment which will parade continuously over the 2 days of the event. BREED GATHERINGS AND AMBASSADORS The desire to gather, discuss and belong is increasingly increasing. Inside the fair there were many ambassadors of various breeds such as the Maltese, Newfoundland, Labrador, Westye, Pinscher, Chihuahua, French bulldog, greyhound, etc. THE SHOWS The Carpet Show is traditionally one of the most popular areas of QuattroZampeInFiera, where moments of show and entertainment will alternate daily and at every hour (fashion shows, awards ceremonies and much more), made even more pleasant by the interaction with the public. DISCDOG PERFORMANCE The unmissable acrobatics of the multiple Disc Dog World Champion, Adrian Stoica, will surprise us with high-level free style figures, for a real BAU-WOW effect!!! SYNCRODO SHOW Directly from Italia's got talent, 12 dogs and their handlers will perform on the red carpet in a syncrodog show, a new, fun and engaging dog activity within everyone's reach. Suitable for people and dogs of any age. It does not require athletic training or intense physical effort on the part of the dog or the person who handles it. simple obedience exercises and suggestive figures in accordance with the rhythm and character of the music that accompanies the performance itself. FOR 2 AND 4 LEGGED PUPPIES THE WORLD OF TITO' An editorial project for children where the protagonist - Titò and her dog Django - face problems by solving them with ingenious and at the same time practical and sustainable solutions. At the basis of the stories is education to respect human beings, diversity, animals, nature and the environment. The search for solutions, in Titò's World, is defined as "Construction of Desires" and the common thread of the entire project is: "There are no problems but only solutions". BAMBILITY and SMALL FOOTPRINTS DANIELA MALAGOLI Project developed by a team of childhood educators and expert dog lovers, which aims at the emotional, social and motor development of the child through the relationship with the dog. Children and teenagers will have the opportunity to get to know and relate to the dog through playful activities and direct interaction with the dog itself, under the careful guidance of Bambility technicians and specifically trained dogs. It is a playful and engaging moment, full of practical activities in which children and young people are the direct protagonists. PET THERAPY Animal-assisted therapy that encourages the participation and involvement of children, adults and the elderly, using simple, spontaneous and intuitive communication channels. The meeting and relationship with the dog immediately creates an impact of comfort and security, without prejudice of any kind that touches the person's deep feelings. It calms anxieties and tensions, promotes sociability and empathy, promotes movement, laughter and GOOD MOOD! the dog intervenes and acts as a bridge between the uncertainties of life and finding oneself, that fragile identity that is slowly being built.
GRANPREMIUM, flaked feed, high in fat and highly digestible proteins from the Gianni Guidolin Group.
Thanks to experience and high quality standards in the field of livestock nutrition and constant renewal, the Guidolin Gianni company is a leader in the sector and offers products of the highest quality.
Granpremium is the perfect complementary feed for horses that need a lot of energy because they are subjected to physically intense sporting or working activity and for horses that need substantial nourishment because they are underweight, undergoing rehabilitation, gestation, breastfeeding or growing. Granpremium is in fact a natural blend of carefully selected and analyzed top quality cereals, thermo-flaked with a double steam cooking process to make them highly digestible while preserving all the nutritional and organoleptic characteristics of the selected raw materials. In addition to barley, corn, oat, broad beans, peas and whole soy flakes, there are dehydrated carrots, carobs and sunflower seeds to provide an important natural source of proteins and fats. Furthermore, Granpremium contains a supplement of vitamins and mineral salts to guarantee the horse the right physical support. The recommended daily dose varies between 0.5 and 1 kg of Granpremium for every 100 kg of the horse's weight, it must be completed with dry fodder to ensure a balanced diet and fresh water always available. For further information you can visit the official websites: www.gianniguidolingroup.com www.guidolinshop.com www.guidolinhorses.com or contact the company GUIDOLIN GIANNI directly Via Carturo, 58 35016 Piazzola sul Brenta (PD) | Tel. +39 049 5594011 | Fax +39 049 5594261
In Turin Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th May Quattrozampeinfiera the most famous "pet friendly two days" in Italy dedicated to dogs and cats
Sports trophies, parades with your own pedigree or non-pedigree cat or dog, 6-legged games, health and beauty, products and services, shows and shopping, training and information.
Cats from all over the world meet in Turin for Quattrozampeinfiera, the most famous "pet friendly two days" in Italy (Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th May at the Oval Lingotto Fiere). The event arrives in the Piedmontese capital for the first time and many feline breeds will be protagonists for this first Turin edition. Like the gentle giants Maine Coon and the Norwegian Forest Cat; the tender, agile and playful Turkish Angora, the semi-long-haired feline who boasts very noble origins; or the Scottish Fold with low ears and an angel's face; the Exotic, the ideal cat for those who love the company and majesty of the Persian but cannot dedicate much time to grooming and also the Radgoll, the biggest and best cat there is. These will be some of the breeds present at Quattrozampeinfiera to give everyone the opportunity to admire them and thus choose the one suitable for their lifestyle. But there are many other realities to discover. Among the most anticipated protagonists, the heroic dogs dedicate their time to rescue activities every day: in fact, an intervention by our four-legged friends in the reconstruction of an environment among the rubble will be simulated, in a competition that actually aims to show the public the daily work of the dogs alongside the Civil Protection. There will also be an area dedicated to social issues with the initiative "Adopt a four-legged friend too", with the presence of two areas for the adoption of dogs and cats in collaboration with Leidaa (Italian League for the Defense of Animals and the Environment). : the volunteers will in fact bring many foundlings in difficulty and looking for a home, in the hope that the visitors will intend to expand their family and welcome them with them. Another focus will be dedicated to the Quattrozampeinfiera Trainer Trophy, in which the most dynamic pairs will compete in various sporting activities, from DogAgility to RallyObedience, from SplashDogall' Agility in the water. Everyone will also be able to try their hand at the numerous sporting activities suitable for four-legged friends for free: an excellent opportunity to increase the relationship of trust with your dog. The expert dog educators will introduce owners and their dogs to Proprioception, AquaDog, Mental Activation and Mobility. Finally, there will be no shortage of breed rallies, amateur parades in the Doggy Show by Monge and many moments to experience the fair as protagonists with your pet friend, with the best products to purchase directly from the most renowned companies of pet food, accessories and health supplements , innovative and trendy services. A fun surprise is scheduled for Sunday afternoon: the Gypsy Musical Academy will be a guest, the multidisciplinary school from Turin that enchanted the public at the final of Italia's got Talent.
The opening of ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL 2019 is approaching, set for Monday 6 May at 10.30 am with the inaugural conference focused on the presentation of the Assalco-Zoomark Report which will offer a detailed analysis of market trends and an updated snapshot of the main trends in Italy relating to the pet sector.
An important opportunity for discussion for a market, the pet market in Italy, which is experiencing a period of development with over 60 million pets. ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL, organized by BolognaFiere with the patronage of Assalco (National Association of Companies for the Feeding and Care of Pet Animals) and of Anmvi (National Association of Italian Veterinary Doctors) will take place from Monday 6 to Thursday 9 May, excluding the weekend, with an alignment to the international work agenda which favors weekdays for large b2b events. The exhibitors of this 18th ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL are 757 from 45 countries, there are 6 national collectives, highlighting the growing internationalization of the event. New to this edition, born from the collaboration with the different associations and with the coordinators of the foreign collectives, is the organization of in-depth Focus on the markets and business opportunities for the USA, Canada, Russia, the UK, China, India and the Czech Republic. Consistently with the strong attention towards international operators, Zoomark International has developed numerous services for foreign buyers, to whom ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL gives the possibility of planning specific meetings with Italian companies. Zoomark's special initiative is Aqua Project which, after the success of the first edition in 2017, returns with a project designed to give even more prominence to the aquarium industry and directly involve companies in the sector. The aim is to break the mold and show the great versatility of the aquarium, equipped with the most modern technologies, to create unusual and surprising versions in their simplicity. A large central area will host exceptionally large tanks, a pond and aquariums set up by exhibitors to recreate different habitats and ecosystems, showcasing the latest technological innovations. With the collaboration of the magazine Abitare (RCS) and the Order of Architects, the conference "Aquariums in the architectural context: problems, solutions and best practices" will take place on 7 May at 14.30 pm, everything you need to know when to install them an aquarium in an environment (domestic or public). Great emphasis on "new products" As in past editions, ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL will give great emphasis to the "new" products of exhibiting companies: over 400 of them will be displayed in a new location in the Mall connecting the new pavilions (28, 29 and 30) , which will allow us to further enhance a very broad proposal. Around 40% concerns food, a sector in which innovation is a fundamental factor. New formulas increasingly calibrated to the nutritional needs of the animal, ingredients increasingly selected based on the organoleptic characteristics, quality and possible specific needs of the animal (for example allergen-free, grain free, functional formulas that assist the care of certain pathologies). Approximately 40% of the new products presented are dedicated to dogs, followed by products for cats and in third place those for fish and ponds, a sector stimulated by the Aqua Project initiative, some of these products will be presented in operation in the Aqua area Project. The design becomes more and more sophisticated, the shapes and materials are refined and of increasingly higher quality. The technology applied to product development is at the service of the animal and its owner to offer maximum comfort, for example with kennels built in highly insulating and comfortable materials, orthopedic and memory foam cots and cushions, moments of leisure (interactive games ), protection and safety with collars equipped with GPS and/or electronic recognition tags, high visibility systems in the dark. In animal care - hygiene, medical and surgical devices - delicate formulas, homeopathic and Ayurvedic approaches are preferred and the first CBD-based products appear. In the field of bedding, new plant-based solutions are making their way from new sources and totally respectful of the environment. In general, there is an ever-increasing sensitivity towards organic products and raw materials, sustainable production cycles and recyclable packaging. The scheduled events The "Events" of ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL are brought together in a much richer and more detailed program than previous editions: in addition to the inaugural conference dedicated to the presentation of the Assalco-Zoomark Report and the one dedicated to aquariums, among the events worth mentioning is the conference "The use of plants and plant preparations for animal welfare" on May 6th at 14 pm; "Animal behavior: a strategic area for the successful pet shop" which will draw attention to the characteristics necessary for a shop project in step with the times, at a time when distribution linked to the "pet" world is also strongly oriented to online commerce, on May 6th at 15 pm; "Rimedialife and sustainability in fish farming and aquariums", on 6 May at 16.40 pm; events dedicated to veterinarians are also always in the foreground, including the workshop dedicated to electronic prescriptions, which introduces important innovations in the veterinary world, on 7 May at 15pm; the conference "Tools for the correct management of dog breeding", on 8 May at 9 am; "The evolution of the grooming profession in Italy and the FCC and APT certification pursuant to law 4/2013" on May 9th at 9 am. “Zoomark International 2019 – states Antonio Bruzzone, General Director of BolognaFiere – will be spread over an exhibition area of 55.000 m10, with an increase of over 2017% compared to the XNUMX edition. The event will involve pavilions 25, 26 and the brand new pavilions 28, 29 and 30, inaugurated in autumn 2018. There will be over 757 exhibitors, a number that will allow us to surpass the record of companies present achieved in the last edition". Around 70% of exhibiting companies come from abroad, to be precise from 45 countries. “We find a significant presence of companies from China – continues Bruzzone – followed by a large representation of companies from Great Britain, which is growing strongly despite the uncertainties for the future resulting from Brexit. Exhibitors arriving from Turkey and Eastern European countries also substantially increased. Among the new entries we remember Belarus, Greece, Malaysia, Serbia and Slovakia". Gianmarco Ferrari, President of Assalco commented: “The positive market trend continued in 2018 too. The main segment, that of dog and cat food products, has developed a turnover in Italy of more than 2 billion euros with an increase in turnover of +1,5% compared to last year and with a development higher than that of packaged consumer goods, which in 2018 amounted to +0,1%. The cat food segment, made up of dry, wet and snack products, represents 52,3% of the total market and is worth 1.089 million euros, while dog food is worth almost 993 million euros. Taking a look at the cart, we notice that the consumer is increasingly oriented towards premium products and smaller formats. In large-scale retail trade, primary accessories for daily care and management (such as hygiene products, games, leashes, kennels, aviaries, aquariums) generate a turnover of 71,3 million euros. An extensive analysis of all market data is available in the Assalco-Zoomark annual report.” ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL is the most important event in Europe, in odd years, for the global pet industry: a large exhibition platform that welcomes over 27.000 buyers from all over the world, to learn about new products, meet the major international players, keep up to date professionally and discuss market trends. The companies' press releases can already be consulted on the website www.zoomark.it: a space to give voice to the most relevant aspects that exhibitors wish to highlight.
Monday 6 May at 10.30am Inaugural conference focused on the presentation of the Assalco-Zoomark Report which will offer a detailed analysis of market trends and an updated snapshot of the main trends in Italy relating to the pet sector.
The Assalco - Zoomark Report on the Feeding and Care of Pets will be presented at the opening conference of the fair and will be an X-ray of the state of the industry and the market. The report is produced in collaboration with some of the main exponents of the sector and is supported by scientific evidence, research and contributions from experts. Speakers: Gianpiero Calzolari - President BolognaFiere Opening greeting Gianmarco Ferrari - President Assalco Welcome and introduction to the Assalco - Zoomark Report Paolo Garro - Business Insights Director, IRI Petfood in 2018: the dynamics of the channels Paolo Colombo - Research Unit Manager, DOXA The Italians and companion animals Antonio Manfredi - ANMVI Director The owners of companion animals in Italy The meeting will be moderated by Vito de Ceglia, Business & Finance – La Repubblica At the end of the conference, the following speeches are expected: Hon. Michela Vittoria Brambilla President of the parliamentary intergroup for animal rights and President of the Italian League for the defense of animals and the environment on the topic: Our pets and the law: legislative changes in progress FOR THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE CONFERENCE, IT IS POSSIBLE TO REGISTER DIRECTLY FROM THE OFFICIAL ZOOMARK WEBSITE www .zoomark.it An important opportunity for discussion for a market, that of pets in Italy, which is experiencing a moment of development with over 60 million companion animals. ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL, organized by BolognaFiere with the patronage of Assalco (National Association of Companies for the Feeding and Care of Pet Animals) and of Anmvi (National Association of Italian Veterinary Doctors) will take place from Monday 6 to Thursday 9 May, excluding the weekend, with an alignment to the international work agenda which favors weekdays for large b2b events. The exhibitors of this 18th ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL are 757 from 45 countries, there are 6 national collectives, highlighting the growing internationalization of the event. New to this edition, born from the collaboration with the different associations and with the coordinators of the foreign collectives, is the organization of in-depth Focus on the markets and business opportunities for the USA, Canada, Russia, the UK, China, India and the Czech Republic. Consistently with the strong attention towards international operators, Zoomark International has developed numerous services for foreign buyers, to whom ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL gives the possibility of planning specific meetings with Italian companies. Zoomark's special initiative is Aqua Project which, after the success of the first edition in 2017, returns with a project designed to give even more prominence to the aquarium industry and directly involve companies in the sector. The aim is to break the mold and show the great versatility of the aquarium, equipped with the most modern technologies, to create unusual and surprising versions in their simplicity. A large central area will host exceptionally large tanks, a pond and aquariums set up by exhibitors to recreate different habitats and ecosystems, showcasing the latest technological innovations. With the collaboration of the magazine Abitare (RCS) and the Order of Architects, the conference "Aquariums in the architectural context: problems, solutions and best practices" will take place on 7 May at 14.30 pm, everything you need to know when to install them an aquarium in an environment (domestic or public). Great emphasis on "new products" As in past editions, ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL will give great emphasis to the "new" products of exhibiting companies: over 400 of them will be displayed in a new location in the Mall connecting the new pavilions (28, 29 and 30) , which will allow us to further enhance a very broad proposal. Around 40% concerns food, a sector in which innovation is a fundamental factor. New formulas increasingly calibrated to the nutritional needs of the animal, ingredients increasingly selected based on the organoleptic characteristics, quality and possible specific needs of the animal (for example allergen-free, grain free, functional formulas that assist the care of certain pathologies). Approximately 40% of the new products presented are dedicated to dogs, followed by products for cats and in third place those for fish and ponds, a sector stimulated by the Aqua Project initiative, some of these products will be presented in operation in the Aqua area Project. The design becomes more and more sophisticated, the shapes and materials are refined and of increasingly higher quality. The technology applied to product development is at the service of the animal and its owner to offer maximum comfort, for example with kennels built in highly insulating and comfortable materials, orthopedic and memory foam cots and cushions, moments of leisure (interactive games ), protection and safety with collars equipped with GPS and/or electronic recognition tags, high visibility systems in the dark. In animal care - hygiene, medical and surgical devices - delicate formulas, homeopathic and Ayurvedic approaches are preferred and the first CBD-based products appear. In the field of bedding, new plant-based solutions are making their way from new sources and totally respectful of the environment. In general, there is an ever-increasing sensitivity towards organic products and raw materials, sustainable production cycles and recyclable packaging. The scheduled events The "Events" of ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL are brought together in a much richer and more detailed program than previous editions: in addition to the inaugural conference dedicated to the presentation of the Assalco-Zoomark Report and the one dedicated to aquariums, among the events worth mentioning is the conference "The use of plants and plant preparations for animal welfare" on May 6th at 14 pm; "Animal behavior: a strategic area for the successful pet shop" which will draw attention to the characteristics necessary for a shop project in step with the times, at a time when distribution linked to the "pet" world is also strongly oriented to online commerce, on May 6th at 15 pm; "Rimedialife and sustainability in fish farming and aquariums", on 6 May at 16.40 pm; events dedicated to veterinarians are also always in the foreground, including the workshop dedicated to electronic prescriptions, which introduces important innovations in the veterinary world, on 7 May at 15pm; the conference "Tools for the correct management of dog breeding", on 8 May at 9 am; "The evolution of the grooming profession in Italy and the FCC and APT certification pursuant to law 4/2013" on May 9th at 9 am. “Zoomark International 2019 – states Antonio Bruzzone, General Director of BolognaFiere – will be spread over an exhibition area of 55.000 m10, with an increase of over 2017% compared to the XNUMX edition. The event will involve pavilions 25, 26 and the brand new pavilions 28, 29 and 30, inaugurated in autumn 2018. There will be over 757 exhibitors, a number that will allow us to surpass the record of companies present achieved in the last edition". Around 70% of exhibiting companies come from abroad, to be precise from 45 countries. “We find a significant presence of companies from China – continues Bruzzone – followed by a large representation of companies from Great Britain, which is growing strongly despite the uncertainties for the future resulting from Brexit. Exhibitors arriving from Turkey and Eastern European countries also substantially increased. Among the new entries we remember Belarus, Greece, Malaysia, Serbia and Slovakia". Gianmarco Ferrari, President of Assalco commented: “The positive market trend continued in 2018 too. The main segment, that of dog and cat food products, has developed a turnover in Italy of more than 2 billion euros with an increase in turnover of +1,5% compared to last year and with a development higher than that of packaged consumer goods, which in 2018 amounted to +0,1%. The cat food segment, made up of dry, wet and snack products, represents 52,3% of the total market and is worth 1.089 million euros, while dog food is worth almost 993 million euros. Taking a look at the cart, we notice that the consumer is increasingly oriented towards premium products and smaller formats. In large-scale retail trade, primary accessories for daily care and management (such as hygiene products, games, leashes, kennels, aviaries, aquariums) generate a turnover of 71,3 million euros. An extensive analysis of all market data is available in the Assalco-Zoomark annual report.” ZOOMARK INTERNATIONAL is the most important event in Europe, in odd years, for the global pet industry: a large exhibition platform that welcomes over 27.000 buyers from all over the world, to learn about new products, meet the major international players, keep up to date professionally and discuss market trends. The companies' press releases can already be consulted on the website www.zoomark.it: a space to give voice to the most relevant aspects that exhibitors wish to highlight.
"Animals at War Innocent Victims". The barbaric killings of dogs, horses, cats, mules, pigeons and many other beasts during World War II
The testimonies of the soldiers and their stories about the horses in the book "Animals in war, innocent victims" by Vincenzo Di Michele
The soldiers lived in close contact with animals. They marched, ate and slept side by side. They looked after them, cuddled them and, why not, mentioned them carefully in their diaries: “In the morning when we went to untie the horses, these little brothers of ours were all soaked, dirty, torn and smelly. It was a real disaster: mud and dung reigned on their shoulders and for me it was a real suffering to see them in that state." Thus Vincenzo Di Michele with his latest book "Animals in war, innocent victims" puts pen to paper on some dark pages of the I and II World War regarding the unjust suffering of horses, mules, dogs, cats, donkeys and pigeons who were dragged to strength in a war not theirs. There are many testimonies and above all historical events all linked to the world of the horse: the Mongolian soldiers on the back of their horses up to the heroic four-legged Italian of Isbuscensky's charge in Russia who, after a thousand vicissitudes and vicissitudes of all sorts, finally managed to reunite in Italy to the Savoy Cavalry regiment. And then the story of a horse of imposing size that lost its rider during the battle. He had shrapnel lodged in his legs and sides. Fortunately, they were superficial. After putting him back together in the medical clinic, he was once again assigned to another knight for the front line position. That same horse, at the end of a furious battle, returned alone to the same medical place. Most of the fighters sent to the front during World War I and II had no education whatsoever. For the soldiers, of peasant extraction - writes Di Michele - the animal world represented something more, because figures were familiar to them. To express themselves they had no other references other than the beasts. From the front they sent postcards home and asked for reassurance on the health conditions of their family members and - as was right - also of the animals: - How are you dad? How are our cows? Carolina and Margherita always make a lot of milk? Has the mare foaled? Is the van big? ... ... Di Michele writes "The drivers, in the ruthless race towards the front, whipped and beat the humble four-legged friends and, if that wasn't enough, they pricked them with bayonet blows. These poor beasts could do nothing but blindly obey the orders of their masters, "true grim soldiers". The horses with their tongues hanging out floundered while towing ponderous carts and the mules, loaded as much as they could with weapons and ammunition, forcefully widened their nostrils almost as if they wanted to cushion the immense suffering". Each song offers moments to reflect, to be moved, to be indignant, in a true celebration of animals at war, also told through drawings that make words capable of conveying what no one has ever said about the unjust suffering of these animals even more real. All these innocent beasts were forcibly dragged into a war that was not theirs and had no choice but to obey vile human selfishness.
Boehringer Ingelheim launches BVDzero scholarship for veterinary students around the world
Scholarship worth 10.000 Euros to the best veterinary students
· Boehringer Ingelheim offers a scholarship called BVDzero for the 10 best veterinary students at an international level, through which it will provide a total amount of 10.000 < http://www.bvdzero.com/bvdzeroaward/prizes.html > euros; · With this initiative, Boehringer Ingelheim aims to enrich veterinary students' knowledge of bovine viral diarrhea (BVD); · The initiative is carried out in collaboration with the World Buiatrics Association, to encourage participation in the next World Buiatrics Congress to be held in 2020 in Madrid. Ingelheim, Germany, April 2, 2019 Boehringer Ingelheim is pleased to announce the establishment of the 2019-2020 BVDzero Scholarship for Veterinary Medicine Students. The initiative reflects the company's long-term commitment to promoting animal health and welfare. With this scholarship, Boehringer Ingelheim aims to increase veterinary medicine students' knowledge of bovine viral diarrhea (BVD). Boehringer Ingelheim also believes that initiatives of this kind also contribute to spreading awareness of this bovine pathology on a more general level and, consequently, to favor the reduction of its prevalence. Selection of the Winners of the BVDzero Study Fellowship The BVDzero Committee, in collaboration with a representative of the World Association of Veterinary Medicine, will identify the most meritorious Veterinary Medicine students at a global level, who can contribute to meeting the constantly evolving needs of both animal health and welfare, and of the wastewater sector as a whole. Scholarships 10 scholarships will be awarded, each worth 1.000 euros, to the 10 Veterinary Medicine students deemed most meritorious. Each recipient of the scholarship will also be able to participate in the next World Buiatrics Congress, which will be held in Madrid in 2020; As part of this initiative, Boehringer Ingelheim will cover the Congress registration costs and accommodation costs. Candidate eligibility criteria · Second, third and fourth year Veterinary Medicine students; · Who demonstrate passion for the livestock sector, in particular for cattle; · Demonstrate academic excellence; · Demonstrate leadership and participation in extra-university activities. Requirements and deadline for submitting applications Applications can be submitted no later than May 25, 2019. Applications complete with all required data and documents must be submitted within this deadline. Deadline for submitting nominations 25 May 2019 Evaluation of nominations 25 – 31 May 2019 Notification and announcement of winners 3 - 7 June 2019 Winners will be selected by a representative of the World Buiatrics Association and the BVDzero Committee, composed of experts in various countries. The application form can be downloaded by clicking on the following link: http://www.bvdzero.com/bvd_news/bvdzero-scholarship-programme Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health and its BVDzero team encourage students who meet the indicated criteria to forward your application, expressing our best wishes for success to all candidates. Boehringer Ingelheim plans to continue this initiative in the future. For more information and updates, visit www.bvdzero.com Boehringer Ingelheim As a research-based pharmaceutical company, Boehringer Ingelheim's mission is to improve people's health and quality of life. In pursuing this objective, it focuses on those pathologies for which there are currently no satisfactory therapeutic options, concentrating on the development of innovative therapies that can extend patients' lives. Boehringer Ingelheim also operates in the animal health sector, working towards advanced prevention. A family-owned company since its founding in 1885, Boehringer Ingelheim is now one of the top 20 pharmaceutical companies in the world. Its approximately 50.000 employees create value every day, through innovation, in its three business areas: pharmaceuticals for human use, animal health and biopharmaceuticals. With net sales of almost 18,1 billion euros in 2017, Boehringer Ingelheim invested more than three billion euros in research and development, equivalent to 17 percent of net sales. As a family-owned company, Boehringer Ingelheim has a plan that spans generations, focusing on long-term success rather than short-term profits. The company therefore aims for internal growth based on its own resources, and at the same time is open to collaborations and strategic alliances in Research. In all its activities, Boehringer Ingelheim is spontaneously led to act with responsibility towards humanity and the environment. For more information, visit www.boehringer-ingelheim.com or consult the Report at: http://annualreport.boehringer-ingelheim.com. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Business Unit Boehringer Ingelheim is the world's second largest animal health player, committed to making animal welfare a reality with its broad portfolio of advanced disease prevention products and services. With a net turnover of 3,9 billion euros and approximately 10.000 employees worldwide, it is present in over 150 markets. For more information click here World Veterinary Association Mission To promote goodwill and knowledge transfer within the international veterinary community, through cultural and scientific debate, as well as the exchange of individual experiences under the auspices of the World Veterinary Association Buiatrics. Objectives · Organize meetings on bovine production and on diseases that affect cattle themselves (buiatrics), during which to report the results of research work and practical experiences in buiatrics. · Debate these topics in an international forum and thus promote all scientific and practical aspects relating to dark medicine. · Although it is dedicated to animal medicine, the Association is also interested in small ruminants and other "non-domestic" ruminants (such as exotic and zoo animals). · Offer an organization of qualified individuals who dedicate a substantial part of their professional activities to research, training or clinical aspects of dark medicine, for the exchange of ideas. · In compliance with laws and regulations, carry out occasional or periodic publications (circulars, conference proceedings, memos, periodicals, newsletters) including materials relating to the aforementioned topics. · Promote international research on ruminants and keep veterinarians and all specialists interested in the breeding sector updated on the results obtained around the world. To the recipients of the communication: This press release was issued by the Group Headquarters in Ingelheim, Germany, and is intended to inform you about our business internationally. Please be aware that information on the approval status and indications of approved products may vary from country to country and may have been issued in a specific press release on the topic in the countries in which we operate.
Animals at war, Innocent Victims. It is the new book by Vincenzo Di Michele, essayist and author of literary works
A book where the author, based on historical research and stories, highlights the fate of many animals who, as innocents, were forcibly dragged into a war that did not belong to them. The book will be presented on Thursday 11 April in Rome at 18,30 pm at the Due Ponti Sporting Club. Invitation open to the public.
Not to forget the heart, the sacrifice and the injustices suffered by all animals. The soldiers, in the ruthless race towards the front, whipped and beat the humble four-legged friends and, if that wasn't enough, they pricked them with the bayonet. The horses, with their tongues hanging out, floundered while pulling ponderous carts and the mules, loaded as hard as they could on the pack, widened their nostrils and sank into the mud. On the air front, the pigeons, delivering orders and counter-orders, were killed by the snipers of the enemy army, while on the battlefields the dogs slipped under the tracks of enemy tanks and blew up due to the explosives they were carrying. The bears, used as guinea pigs for testing airplane seats, were thrown into the air while the cats, stuffed with explosives, were thrown onto the ships. Even herds of oxen were used as kamikaze animals: they ran across fields strewn with mines to detonate them. And then the experiments carried out for the creation of hybrid beings through crossbreeding between zebras and horses, elk and oxen, bison and cows, mice and hamsters, hares and rabbits and even between man and monkey to generate an army of beings invincible. All these innocent animals, including those killed with savage cruelty in slaughterhouses, were forcibly dragged into a war that did not belong to them and had no choice but to obey vile human selfishness. Presentation of the book: "Animals at war, Innocent Victims" Thursday 11 April at 18,30 pm at the Sporting Club Due Ponti in Via Due Ponti 48 – Rome Author: Vincenzo Di Michele For further information on the book, read the poster at the end of this page item.
The Horse Portal; spring anticipates the desire for horses and stables: 3 super advantages on all 15.000 products on www.nonsolocavallo.ti starting today and throughout the weekend
Spring is upon us, start the season well by saving on a vast range of products for you, your horse and your stable.
1 – FREE SHIPPING with only 29,00 Euros spent for all customers without having to enter any discount code, just purchase and exceed the threshold of 29,00 Euros to benefit from free shipping on your entire order. Go to www.nonsolocavallo.it now 2 – 10% EXTRA DISCOUNT PREMIUM CARD, for all these days of super promotion the premium card offers you an extra 10% discount. If you don't have it, you can immediately add it to your cart during your order and all your products will automatically and immediately be discounted by 10%. 3 – OUTLET: you can choose from 500 products discounted up to 70% which when placed in your cart will give you FREE DELIVERY of your entire order, in fact, if you find some products in the OUTLET category – SUPERPROMOTIONS for you, for your horse, for stable or for small companions like your dog, cat or canary, add it to your cart and in addition to taking it home for a penny you don't pay shipping. Other than Black Friday: the advantageous spring of the Portal has begun with many offers, advantageous shipping (threshold at 29,00 Euros) or totally free if you add even just a small product present in the Outlet - Super Promotions category and what's more the card doubles the extra discount for Premium Card holders rises from 5 to 10% all this awaits you on www.nonsolocavallo.it the e-commerce platform of the Portale del Cavallo. This promotion specially designed for you is worthy of attention both from you who are reading this right now, and from all your friends who share your passion for horses. Black Fridays and similar initiatives to which we have been accustomed in recent times certainly help in such an economically difficult moment and this discount operation offered by Il Portale del Cavallo and its e-commerce platform www.nonsolocavallo.it is worthy to be reported to all your friends: warn them by sharing this news on social media, it would be a shame not to take advantage of these offers, many of them will certainly thank you, many of them are looking for products that on this and only this occasion they can buy at these very advantageous prices. Go to Nonsolocavallo now and take advantage of the promotions while you still have time! Thank you for reading this far, this means that you find this initiative interesting and useful!!!
Rome is preparing for Quattrozampeinfiera: Two days of emotions, fun, awareness, shopping and protagonism.
The new Fiera di Roma, on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 March, will host the first 2019 stage of the most important event dedicated to dog and cat lovers. An unusual moment of discussion and free training within everyone's reach.
Rome, on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 March, will host the first 2019 stage of Quattrozampeinfiera, the most important event dedicated to all dog and cat lovers. Education will be the common thread of the two days. Not a simple fair, but a real moment of educational entertainment that has characterized all the stages of the event for 7 years. Over 18 thousand square meters of the New Fair will be available to visitors to discover how to improve the relationship with their dog or cat, approach the most innovative services to facilitate the daily management of their trusted friend and make their contribution to those less fortunate. The fair allows visitors to interface with companies to better understand their philosophy and their products. A more conscious choice therefore of what best meets the needs of your fidoo felix. The real protagonists will be them, the dogs and cats of the visitors who will be able to directly engage in sporting and educational activities and pose for photographs or parade around having fun with their "parents". In the Felis&Dogs World by Farmina, breeders will be present with their specimens to inform future owners about the character peculiarities of the individual breeds and to understand which is most in line with their lifestyle. Buying or adopting a dog or cat must be a thoughtful and conscious choice. The event has always tried to fight against abandonment by raising awareness among the population and hosting associations. Importance will be given to care and well-being: veterinarians, sector experts, educators and groomers will intervene during the two days, focusing on the main themes to give visitors ideas, suggestions and notions to improve the animal's well-being and improve daily coexistence. An unusual moment of discussion and free training within everyone's reach. With a view to experiencing a day as protagonists, visitors will be able to participate in the photographic casting of the magazine "Quattro Zampe", one of the founders of the fair itself. The most voted photo will be published on the cover of the June issue. Finally, all those who engage in dog activities such as Rally Obedience, Dog Agility, Disc Dog, Ability, Proprioception, Truffle hunting and the Scent Game will receive a quarterly digital subscription to the magazine as a gift. For a moment of celebrity, it will also be possible to take part in the fabulous shots of the "Facce da Quattrozampeinfiera" project curated by the Flavio Di Properzio Photographic Studio or take part in the non-competitive fashion show, the Doggy Show by Monge, organized and conducted by Hirtzia Solaro who will judge the purebred and non-breed dogs. The fair is also aimed at families and their children. "Titò's World" will be present, an editorial project in which the protagonist - Titò and her dog Django - tackle problems by solving them with ingenious and at the same time sustainable solutions. At the basis of the stories is education to respect human beings, diversity, animals, nature and the environment. The search for solutions is defined as "Construction of Desires". The motivational slogan and common thread throughout the project is: "There are no problems, only solutions". Quattrozampeinfiera is a one-of-a-kind event, organized by the Tema Fiere company since 2013 in 5 cities, designed to be suitable for dogs and cats. On the national territory, an emotional and experiential fair to participate in with your trusted friend. Entrance to the fair is subject to a fee. Online presale €8,50, by downloading the discount voucher from the website www.quattrozampeinfiera.it €8. Full price €11. Free entry for children 0-10 years, dogs and cats. For information you can send an email to info@quattrozampeinfiera.it Visit the website www.quattrozampeinfiera.it After Rome here are the other cities that will host Quattrozampeinfiera: Naples: 13/14 April Turin: 25/26 May Milan: 5/6 October Padua: 9/10 November THE QUATTROZAMPEINFIERA TROPHY COMPETITIONS by TRAINER This year too the most dynamic pairs will compete in various sporting activities, such as DogAgility, RallyObedience, Splash Dog and Free Style in the water. Both events are promoted by Trainer, which has been involved in the field of dog breeding for years with social purposes and with an annual event. RUBBLE RESEARCH TROPHY by TRAINER During the event, the indoor rescue simulation competition will take place among the rubble organized by CSEN Rescue and Trainer, to celebrate the 4-legged friends who dedicate their lives to the rescue of humans, a challenge between all the Italian associations. A competition that actually wants to tell the general public how dogs operate daily alongside the Civil Protection in various rescue activities. At the end of the competition the visitors themselves will be able to test their dog's ability and in searching through the rubble to experience a day of Heroes. DOUBLE REGIONAL ENCI SHOW by FARMINA Inside the Dogs World by Farmina, the Double Regional Dog Show organized by the Kennel Club of Rome and the Viterbo Dog Group will be held, in which the most prestigious dog breeds will compete. The best ten will compete on both Saturday and Sunday on the Red Carpet Show. FELIS WORLD ANFI Not only dogs but also cats. In the Felis World, thanks to the ANFILazio Section, there will be breeds from all over Italy and Europe. An opportunity to closely observe the mysterious world of cats, with its thousand colours, shades and peculiarities and discover how magical it is! DOGS WORLD by FARMINA Over 20 breeds will be present to give future pet owners the opportunity to recognize the peculiarities of each individual breed. Conscious choice is the basis of respect for animals! DOGGY SHOW by MONGE For all those who do not own a purebred dog, but splendid fancy dogs without pedigree, an ad hoc parade awaits them on Saturday and Sunday to win many free products by MONGE. #UNSELFIEPERQZF by CORSICA FERRIES As in every edition, the most requested activity on the event's social networks is proposed again: the selfie that gets the most likes will be rewarded at the fair with nice gifts and reported on Quattrozampeinfiera's Facebook and Instagram followed by thousands of fans. FASHION&LUXURY PETA' PORTER There will be no shortage of fashion moments in the Pet A' Porter Area, a real catwalk will give great visibility to the "hottest brands" of the moment which will continuously parade during the 2 days of the event, among others, Lilou Pet Couture, De Wan, Croci, Ferri Biella and other brands... DAKOTA RACE GAMES Always with a view to testing the feeling with one's dog, the guys at DakotaDay this year will put owners to the test with their dogs, in the first edition of the "DAKOTA RACE" : an amateur sports competition, where only the team capable of exceeding their limits will win the Dakota Race Super Prize. Four fun tests never seen before, to watch and experience, and why not, to win! " DOG DRIFT CAR: dogs and engines, what a passion! Drift – the dog that does things – has arrived in town… The first true motor enthusiast, who knows a lot about sports cars and smoking tires! It will host visitors and their dogs in its activity area to try Stunt-dog exercises and games with rubbers and cones. ENTERTAINMENT CINECITTA' WORLD A space where visitors can wear costumes from real films, take photos and participate in fun games. CineCittàWorld! THE RUINS This year the part dedicated to the Breed Gatherings will be even more numerous, with 7 breeds involved: dozens of Westies, Maltese, Chow Chows, Newfoundlands, Labradors, Chihuahuas and French Bulldogs will invade the 2 pavilions of the event. ACTIVITIES WITH DOGS DOG ACTIVITIES To increase the relationship of trust with your dog, it will be possible to try your hand at numerous sports activities suitable for four-legged friends for free: expert dog educators will introduce owners and their dogs to DiscDog, AquaDog, Ability, to Olfactory Research, Proprioception and Scent Game. CARE AND HYGIENE - THE BEAUTY SALON by FURMINATOR For the care and hygiene of the fur, the Beauty Salon by FURminator Italia allows all owners to subject the different types of hair of their dogs to expert scissors. A corner where you can receive all the suggestions for healthy and well-groomed hygiene for your dog and discover FURminator's fur care solutions.
Best wishes to all the women from Il Portale del Cavallo! The editorial staff, on the day dedicated to women, sends its best wishes to all lovers of the equestrian world
On March 8th, on the occasion of Women's Day and until Monday March 11th, shipping costs are FREE above 29,00 Euros and the Premium Card is worth double
The Horse Portal with best wishes to all the women of the equestrian world significantly lowers the threshold of free shipping and doubles the extra discount value of the Premium Card from 5 to 10%, this to facilitate all those who want to make a purchase and perhaps a gift to a woman on the occasion of such an important occasion. On this day we want to celebrate horsewomen and, in a broader sense, all lovers of horse riding, strong personalities who give their best every day to carry forward this wonderful passion that unites us. It's difficult to think of horse riding without them: it would undoubtedly end up being a much sadder, poorer world devoid of that warmth and value that only they can give. For this reason, the editorial staff takes the opportunity, on the day dedicated to women, to thank them from the bottom of their hearts for their commitment and perseverance in making the horse world a little pinker. Thanks to all of you: happy women's day!
Gaia civil party!: Illegal trafficking of puppies. International trafficking of puppies from Eastern Europe busted in Rimini.
Gaia Animali E Ambiente formed a civil party, thanks to the lawyers. Erika Delbianco and Simona Santoni of Gaia Lex Rimini and the national president Edgar Meyer! Criminal organizations dedicated to illegal animal trafficking, fraud, falsification of documents and the resulting mistreatment of animals must also be fought in the courts! Enough with the import of puppies! https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/…/…/traffico-cani-1.4430710 If you are interested in this article you can find other similar articles on: www.gaiaitalia.it
Animal welfare first and foremost: ABA and the staff of the Modena Sud Veterinary Clinic at the fair.
For the fourth year, Verdi Passioni goes out of its way and dedicates an entire pavilion to "Animals from the world", in particular exotic and companion animals. The event takes place with the participation and collaboration of ABA (Animal Welfare Association) and animal protection associations; Furthermore, it is the only fair in Italy that hosts a veterinary clinic, available to the public. Many important presences, a common goal: to inform about the real needs of pets to ensure their lasting well-being.
Birds tend to mask pain and illness, it is important to recognize the symptoms of illness promptly. Cats are very greedy for milk, but as it is very rich in calcium and phosphorus it could cause digestion problems. You should not give hamsters too much fruit sugar or offer them sweets, even if they are fond of them, because they predispose them to diseases. Fundamental information for those who own one of these animals, but which owners often ignore, putting the health of their little friends at risk. For those who want an animal but don't know which one to choose, it is important to know the characteristics and needs of the different species to make the right choice. Birds, dogs, cats, rabbits, parrots, ferrets, but also fish and reptiles: very different species from each other, with just as many needs. They are all there at "Animali dal Mondo", the Verdi Passioni pavilion dedicated to exotic and companion animals, and here there is also the possibility of making an informed choice thanks to the presence of ABA (Animal Welfare Association) and its volunteers , as well as the animal protection associations hosted at its stand. The Associazione Benessere Animale Onlus (ABA) helps all wild and domestic animals in conditions of abandonment, suffering and mistreatment, providing them with specialist care and services in order to save, heal and guarantee a healthy and peaceful life for ownerless animals. “ABA was born in Bologna in 2007, created by a group of veterinary doctors, to defend animal welfare: it provides medical care, raises awareness of respect for animals, disseminates educational information, offers support to institutions, recovery centers and associations animal rights activists - explains Giordano Nardini, veterinary doctor president of ABA, who continues - It is founded on the five rights of animals: freedom from hunger, thirst and poor nutrition; freedom from environmental disruption; freedom from pain, disease and injury; freedom of expression, to be able to demonstrate species-specific behavioral characteristics; freedom from fear and stress”. Animals from the World is also the only market exhibition of this type in Italy with the permanent presence of a veterinary clinic at the fair available to the public: the staff of the Modena Sud Veterinary Clinic - one of the few in the region specialized in the treatment of exotic animals - for two days it provides health information, resolves doubts, gives information on the correct nutrition and management of one's animals. Hundreds of species on display, three watchwords: education, care, respect. Animali dal Mondo returns to ModenaFiere Spreading knowledge and respect for all animals and providing the tools to learn how to take care of them: this is the philosophy that guides Animali dal Mondo, the Verdi Passioni show dedicated to exotic and companion animals , created with the collaboration and participation of ABA and the Modena Sud Veterinary Clinic. Birds, rabbits, fish, rodents, small mammals, turtles and other reptiles are on display in Hall B; the exhibition part is enriched by a program of workshops and events: from the "pappa rally" to the beauty contest for ferrets, from teaching about snakes to "readings with the tail" in the company of a labrador. It is a profound bond that binds man to the animal kingdom, but we often forget it. Animals of the World, in its fourth edition, wants to spread knowledge, respect and love for all animals, especially exotic and companion animals. On 2 and 3 March, Pavilion B of ModenaFiere is transformed into a large Noah's ark with dogs, cats, horses, birds, rabbits, fish, rodents, small mammals, turtles, snakes: the almost 100 exhibitors present with their proposals stimulate the curiosity in adults and children, overcoming fear and distrust even towards lesser-known species. Precisely to guarantee the health and well-being of all animals and provide the public with information on their care and management, the fair takes place with the participation of ABA (Animal Welfare Association) and - the only case in Italy - with the presence of a clinic veterinary clinic with a dedicated stand, the Modena Sud Veterinary Clinic, available to all visitors. Hundreds of animals, as many activities: what you can do at the fair. Obedience courses, agility courses, trainers available to the public to teach them to play with their dog: the Modenese Dog Group has a large space dedicated to man's best friend; here you can learn to socialize with dogs, but you can also bring your own to get some tips from expert educators. "Readings with the tail" is a project to bring together children who don't know each other, of different ages, and make them interact with an exceptional companion: the labrador; at the Aquamarine-Wave Labradors breeding stand, Poncho is waiting for children to be petted, told fairy tales and make reading a pleasant moment of exchange and relaxation. Anyone who shares a home with a pet is aware of how omnipresent and pleasantly intrusive its presence is: in particular, upon the arrival of a cat, the entire house tends to adapt its spaces and management to the new cohabitation needs. Thus was born the figure of the Pet Designer, specialized in designing environments that recreate the animal's habitat while respecting the comfort and style needs of its human companion. For example, what should a cat-friendly garden look like? Desig4Pet explains it at the fair, recreating a "dry garden" with selected plants with low water consumption, non-toxic fertilizers and manures, LEDs for lighting, furnishings and accessories suitable for our furry friends. Small, cute, a bit dog, a bit cat, the ferret is a domestic animal in all respects, a status made official by the National Institute for Wildlife (INFS): few know that it made its appearance in the times of ancient Egyptians and since then has not been able to live in nature, but depends on man. The Un ferret in the family association wants to raise awareness of this little animal, its qualities and its needs, and at the fair it is offering agility courses (ferrets are intelligent and very agile!) and even a beauty contest, scheduled for the day of Sunday 3 March: every ferret is beautiful and the competition is an opportunity to provide correct information and for the owners to meet, get to know each other, exchange experiences, but above all, through the registration fees, to help abandoned ferrets! Among the birds, "the knights of the sky and the lords of the night" are also among the protagonists of Animals from the World: the falconers Mirco and Valentina show the public hawks and owls, explaining their habits and inviting people to approach them. For children, Noctua, a company specialized in the conservation and study of the ethology of nocturnal birds of prey, has created workshops dedicated to learning about owls and owls, in particular to teach the little ones the importance of vocalizations as a communication tool: they are made to listen to the sounds of nature, illustrating the secrets that can help us understand the sometimes inexplicable behaviors of these birds. Anyone who owns a parrot cannot miss the national parrot gathering: on Sunday 3 March the pavilion will be peacefully invaded by multi-coloured birds strolling on the shoulders of their owners. A snake as a friend? At the fair it is possible thanks to the presence of an expert, a lifelong lover of these reptiles, who wants to fight the prejudice that has always hovered around them, and raise awareness of their knowledge and respect. There are pythons, boa constrictors and morelias: Andrea from Rimini Snakes explains the secrets of the life of snakes in nature and in captivity and how to have a peaceful and respectful coexistence with them. There is a large amount of space dedicated to insects, primarily the precious bees: if they disappeared, humans would only have a few years of life left; without bees, in fact, there would be no more pollination, no plants or animals. The Circolo Amici dell'Ape of Modena involves the public in educational activities on the life of bees and on beekeeping through a hive and a honey extractor: two days of non-stop workshops to live a... very sweet experience. But how are insects made? And what do they eat? The Modenese Natural Sciences Group responds, in view of the next edition of Entomodena in April, which guides children to recognize their strange and harmonious shapes, bright colors and bizarre behaviors. At the disposal of small entomologists there are microscopes, display cases with the various species and even a giant reproduction of a one and a half meter beetle, as well as a model which, by lifting the carapace, allows the anatomical elements of the insect to be broken down. You also learn to build a "bugs hotel", which is used to attract ladybugs and other useful insects into our vegetable gardens and gardens in order to promote the biological struggle and the natural balance of the ecosystem. The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia collaborates with the Modenese Naturalistic Group, with the Museum of Zoology and the Botanical Garden of Modena. The approach to the world of horses is very important: the first experience in the saddle must be treated in a particular way, so that it takes place with pleasure and without fear; the educational farm G. Raffa di Castelvetro is at the fair with his horses and ponies to ensure an unforgettable first time in the saddle for the little ones. In addition to the great variety of animals on display, the educational part of the event is particularly rich and detailed: we want to give everyone the opportunity to get closer to the animal world, to get to know it, learn more and learn to love it. Where, how, when: Dates and times: Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd March from 9.30am to 20.00pm Location: Modena Fiere Viale Virgilio, 70 Modena Nord motorway exit; Organization: ModenaFiere Srl; Info: info@verdipassioni.it; www.verdipassioni.it Entrance: full price 8 euros; online presale 6 euros; reduced over 65 years and children 10-14 years 6 euros. Free entry up to 9 years old.
Rome is preparing for Quattrozampeinfiera: Two days of emotions, fun, awareness, shopping and protagonism.
The new Fiera di Roma, on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 March, will host the first 2019 stage of the most important event dedicated to dog and cat lovers.
Rome will host the first 16 stage of Quattrozampeinfiera, the most important event dedicated to all dog and cat lovers, on Saturday 17th and Sunday 2019th March. Over 18 thousand square meters of the New Fair will be available to visitors to discover how to improve the relationship with their dog or cat, understand which food best suits them, approach the most innovative services to speed up the daily management of their trusted friend and give the own contribution to those less fortunate. Those who don't yet own a dog or a cat but are considering adding one to their family unit will have plenty of space for purebred dogs and cats in the two pavilions called Felis World and DogsWorl by Farmina. For years, the event has aimed to train future dog and cat lovers by allowing breeders to present the character peculiarities of their internationally recognized specimens to understand which breed is most in line with their lifestyle. Buying or adopting a dog or cat must be a thoughtful and conscious choice. The event has always tried to fight against abandonment by raising awareness among the population and hosting associations. Importance will be given to care and well-being: veterinarians, sector experts and educators, groomers will intervene during the two days, focusing on the fundamental issues relating to the care and well-being of our friends. An unusual moment of discussion and free training within everyone's reach. With a view to experiencing a day as protagonists, visitors will be able to participate in the photographic casting of the magazine "Quattro Zampe", one of the founders of the fair itself. The most voted photo will be published on the cover of the June issue. Finally, all those who engage in dog activities such as Rally Obedience, Dog Agility, Disc Dog, Ability, Proprioception, truffle hunting and the Scent Game will receive a quarterly digital subscription to the magazine as a gift. The fair involves visitors and their animals at 360°. In addition to providing useful information on their relationship, both will be able to play for free in many sporting activities such as the Dakota Race, the amateur sports competition that brings dog - owner even closer together or try, in the Dog Drift Car area: dogs and engines, what a passion !, the Stunt-dog, the slalom between tires and cones. For a moment of celebrity, it will be possible to take part in the fabulous shots of the "Facce da Quattrozampeinfiera" project curated by the Flavio Properzio Photographic Studio or take part in the non-competitive parade, the Doggy Show by Monge, organized and conducted by Hirtzia Solaro who will judge the dogs of racial and otherwise. For all those who own a dog with a pedigree, 2 days dedicated to the ENCI Regional Double by Farmina, managed by the Kennel Club of Rome and the Viterbo Canine Group, to nominate the best tens on the Red Carpet Show. For the care and hygiene of the fur, the Beauty Salon by FURminator Italia allows all owners to subject the different types of hair of their dogs to expert scissors. A corner where you can receive all the suggestions for healthy and well-groomed hygiene for your dog and discover FURminator's fur care solutions. The fair is also aimed at children and this year, "Il Mondo di Titò" will also be present, an editorial project for children where the protagonist - Titò and her dog Django - face problems and solve them with ingenious and at the same time same practical and sustainable. At the basis of the stories is education to respect human beings, diversity, animals, nature and the environment. The search for solutions, in Titò's World, is defined as "Construction of Desires" and to achieve this, the motivational slogan that runs through the entire project is: "There are no problems but only solutions". Quattrozampeinfiera is a one-of-a-kind event, organized by the Tema Fiere company since 2013 in 5 cities, designed to be suitable for dogs and cats. On the national territory, an emotional and experiential fair to participate in with your trusted friend. Entrance to the fair is subject to a fee. Online presale €8,50, by downloading the discount voucher from the website www.quattrozampeinfiera.it €8. Full price €11. Free entry for children 0-10 years, dogs and cats.
In the area of the Turin Po river park.
At the foot of the Basilica of Superga, it will be held on Sunday 3 March, at the MEISINO HORSE RIDING CENTER, in collaboration with the ASSE.A Association. ONLUS of Moncalieri, the equiartistic event « CABALLUS: the vital synthesis between Art and Child » which is part of the international HORSE PAINTING project, born and conceived in Mahdia, Tunisia, to support the emotional education of childhood. The HORSE PAINTING painting workshop allows everyone to participate, adults, children and disabled, with a view to global social integration and is an integrated interactive activity that is part of the awareness campaign promoted by the Tunisian association Center Hippique Mahdia for childhood, disability and diversity. Children will be able to have fun painting, thanks to a palette of non-toxic colors and directly with their own hands, the jean fabric canvas blankets, handcrafted in Tunisia and worn by horses, exceptional empathic mediators and catalysts. Lorenzo Dotti, naturalist watercolourist, is the Turin artist who has joined this project and who will perform expressing his art live, experimenting with this pictorial novelty. The involvement of an animal like the horse, which has an elaborate body language, places the artist in an interspecific interaction that leads him to develop new, multifaceted expressive methods unique to his genre. HORSE PAINTING is a fun and educational joint event on the two shores of the Mediterranean, demonstrating how art and horses, interacting together, can become an effective means of communication between people as well as a symbolic and diachronic representation that unites different cultures. In Italy, it already took place last February 15th at the CAVALLI A ROMA Horse Show, in September in Emilia Romagna, at the MD Stables in Borzano di Albinea and in October at the Il Raggio di Sole riding school in Forlì, with great success with the public. The canvas blanket, an artistic expression created by the Tunisian association Center Hippique Mahdia, is not invasive for the equine, who is used to wearing the winter one to protect himself from the cold or the summer one, net, against flies. This "horse-easel", mobile and unpredictable, allows the artist to enter into a relationship with the specific identity of an exceptional emotional mediator. The shetland pony Minidino, the Aveglinese Babà and the Murgese Quattro, masters of life, are therefore waiting for you in Turin, in the Po river park, on Carnival Sunday 3 March, starting from 14.00 pm at the Meisino Equestrian Centre, in collaboration with the association ASSE.A. Onlus, for a happening featuring both horses and children and horses with a painter. For more information: ASSE.A.